There are things that we always take it by 'right'... but in life there are also many times things go by 'left'.... This applies to dragon boat especially... Maybe some of you might have heard rumours regarding some stronger teams that to qualify rowing with them, one of the criteria is to do at least 20 chin ups (or at least this rumour that i heard).....
So somehow, Chin up seems to me like a very important exercise; an important exercise that must be practiced to improve rowing ability (taking into consideration that this is a good back exercise that trains the latissimus dorsi)....
And so i have always been amazed at people who can do 'thunderous' numbers of chin up... I have also gradually improved on the quantity... However, lately i have been enlightened by the fact this does not seem to be important... There are people who can do good chin ups, but when it comes to rowing, they suck (i am one such example... always noticing my coordination problem). Similarly, there are also people who don't do well in chin ups, but yet can excel in dragon boat rowing...
I guess this takes into factors like mental capability and skills.... And mental capability is definitely important... if you have the strong mindset that you do not stop even if you are tired during rowing. And with this, i must intorduce this good team-mate, his pic as below:
- Andrew ... personally i like to imagine him 財神爺(God of wealth, since he holds on to the $$$, and it is good to always be with him... so that wealth luck can pass on to you) ... I must salute him for the explosive burst and great sustainability that he can perform during rowing... During last week's training, with him being the pacer, i can't help gasping for air as i try to keep up with his pace. And i definitely believe he amazed everyone in the team.
So in summary, Chin ups are good exercise.. but are definitely not the determining factor for someone to be good in rowing...
Oh yes... this is the very first posting of pics... finally some pictures to see in this blog... Should get more of the other rowers pic (with permission sought) up here... Managed to snap a pic of another interesting fellow rower here:

- Mingcong... i will personally nickname him 開心果.. Why? Because he never fail to make everyone smile (and laugh)... and cheer you up... If you seldom communicate with him, do chat up with him... you will know somehow...
By the way, Sharen's T-shirt caught my attention (as below)... How very fictional (and yet gross) it looks.. especially the part where the head was decapitated and the brains with juices taken out... appears to me like some factory processing plant making humans as food... But anyway, very interesting...