Track Record

Our Track Record:
31th Singapore River Regatta 2013 Semi-Finalist
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2013 Semi-Finalist
30th Singapore River Regatta 2012 Minor Finals 1st
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2012 Semi-Finalist
Austcham 2011 10Km Race 9th
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2011 Plate Finals 2nd

Friday, January 6, 2012

How's everyone? Are you still recovering from the celebrations and feasts that you had from the December holidays in 2011? COME ON!! It's time to work off those fats that you had accumulated over the holidays.

Training this Sunday, 8 January 2012
1.30pm at SDBA Kallang

Remember to bring sunscreen, bathing materials, water and extra clothings. The first training of 2012, Gambette!!!