Track Record

Our Track Record:
31th Singapore River Regatta 2013 Semi-Finalist
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2013 Semi-Finalist
30th Singapore River Regatta 2012 Minor Finals 1st
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2012 Semi-Finalist
Austcham 2011 10Km Race 9th
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2011 Plate Finals 2nd

Monday, October 29, 2012

We're opening up for recruitment again!

Are you looking for a dragon boat team that 
  1. welcomes anyone regardless of orientation or age or gender?
  2. welcomes all levels of fitness to train and improve together?
  3. comprise a group of friends that fight hard together to achieve our best?
Join us on 25 Nov 12 for our recruitment drive-cum-dragon boat try out!

Please feel free to contact us at fundragonboat (at) gmail (dot) com if you are interested and we will follow up with you on the training details!