This have happened to me, or might be familiar to some of you; During rowing (ex. during the middle of 800m), i tend to be thinking 'so hard.. so tired.. i'm burning out... when's it gonna end... when are we reaching the finishing point... when can i hear the word 'Easy'... And gradually our mind starts to think negatively... Fear starts to take over...
Perhaps a little self-psychology to share here... have we ever asked ourselves; why are you rowing in the first place? Is it because you love the sport of dragon-boating? Is it because to come and socialise and make friends? Is it because to look look and see see the beautiful sights (you should know what i'm referring) every weekend at Kallang Water Sports Centre?
If you answer yes to all 3 questions, then we share the same sentiments. But i guess the first question should be the gist... Only if you love the sport of dragon boating. That's the biggest motivation why you are willing to come down every weekend during the hot afternoon of 2pm... That's the reason why you enjoy rotating your body and making the core muscles to move the paddle and get the boat moving... That's the reason why you are willing to challenge yourself to lift up a bit more and get that extra pushing...
Sounds very motivating... although in practice i must say its otherwise... But isn't this true? We tend to let fear take over when all that fatigue comes in... afraid of not catching up with the rest and coordinating well... Our mind just get totally absorbed in negativity...
With all these tiredness and fatigue setting in, can i still tell myself 'i enjoy dragon-boat rowing'... Tiredness and fatigue is inevitable; but do you really enjoy the whole process of rowing? Do you still remember that you are here every weekend because of your love for the sport? Or perhaps; do you smile while you are rowing (perhaps a stupid question; you might not notice your facial experession during the hardcore rowing.. its all huffing and puffing and grunting...) Rather than hating the tiredness and fatigue, can we possibly reverse it and say 'oh that feels good, i'm pushing well indeed!'
Perhaps the next time during rowing, just before we start the rowing set, and when the paddles up command is given, do take a short while to think 'i'm here because i love dragon-boat'!
wow, so well written...