Track Record

Our Track Record:
31th Singapore River Regatta 2013 Semi-Finalist
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2013 Semi-Finalist
30th Singapore River Regatta 2012 Minor Finals 1st
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2012 Semi-Finalist
Austcham 2011 10Km Race 9th
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2011 Plate Finals 2nd

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Time to make it count!!

What a weekend it was! we just took part in the 5men/women race and it was a definite eye opener! Firstly, kudos to the team as we managed to send 4 teams this year compared to 1 last year!! Time to step up and bring the team together!

To my men, it was tough and we learnt we have lots of catching up to do!

To my women, I am so proud of you! you kept your heads together and got into the semis!

Guys, time to follow the gals's lead and encourage each other for a better performance at the regatta - bring it on!

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