Track Record

Our Track Record:
31th Singapore River Regatta 2013 Semi-Finalist
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2013 Semi-Finalist
30th Singapore River Regatta 2012 Minor Finals 1st
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2012 Semi-Finalist
Austcham 2011 10Km Race 9th
Singapore Dragon Boat Festival 2011 Plate Finals 2nd

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

That 'Thing' Lurking in the water

While my previous posting always emphasize confidence during rowing, there is an exceptional situation where it is ok to have fear taking over... During the last Sunday rowing, a 'mysterious' long and white colour object was seen on the water surface, and it seems to be moving towards our boat. What could that be??? Strangely, as we try to investigate, i can't help replaying some of those movie scenes from 'JAWS'... Anyway it turns out to be a discarded rubber hose... much to our little disappointment hoping that it can be some water creatures (ex. water snake)...

That's the end of this small little 'curiosity episode... On another extra note, we never know what could be under those water while we are training and rowing on the boat. I've always believed some other 'living beings' exist below those dark waters... they could possibly be invisible to the naked eye... and 'it' could also have been curious about those hot blooded 'Yang' energy filled strong dragon-boaters that have been training rigourously at Kallang river... it could be lying there deep inside the dark waters, somehow hoping for a chance to 'catch' and 'grab' on to any unfortunate ones and take away their precious 'live energies'...

While it's purely ficitional as written above (trying to mimic writing 'ghostly stuff'), there is a small reminder from such a ficitious description; as much as possible, stay in the boat; try not to capsize; even if capsize and in the water, stay close to the boat, keep your life-jackets on all the time, stay close in the group... do not wander far alone...

1 comment:

  1. water safety is important. that's why we require all members to take the water test with or without life vest and able to swim at least 50m as per SDBA regulation - also to boost your water confidence and enjoy the sports...

